The six characteristics of CER

IOMの定義する比較効果研究Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)の6つの特徴は:

  1. CER directly informs a specific clinical decision (patient perspective) or a health policy decision (population perspective).
  2. CER results are described at the population and subgroup levels.
  3. CER compares at least two alternative interventions, each with the potential to be “best practice.”
  4. CER employs methods and data sources appropriate for the decision of interest.
  5. CER is conducted in settings that are similar to those in which the intervention will be used in practice.
  6. CER measures outcomes – both benefits and harms – that are important to patients.




文献: Velentgas P, Dreyer N, Nourjah P, Smith S, Torhia MM, ed : Developing a protocol for observational comparative effectiveness research: a User’s guide. AHRQ, 2013, Rockville. PubMedリンク


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