International Society for Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research とSociety for Medical Decision MakingのModeling Good Research Practices Task Forceから出された7つのモデル化に関する文献と1つの総評的な論文、計8件の文献リスト。Decision Tree, State Transision Model, Discrete Event Simulation, Dynamic Transmission Modelingなどの決断分析モデルについて。ISPORは国際医薬経済・アウトカム研究学会で、日本支部は2005年に設立。
カテゴリー: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Effectiveness is measured as QOL-weighted life years (Quality-adjusted life years, QALYs) or incremental net health benefit (INHB) with a certain scale and monetary cost by a unit of these effectivness measures are calculated as Incremental Cost-Effectivness Ratio (ICER). Setting a threshold to ICER for approvement by administrative authorities is not universally accepted.