AimInternational Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 国際医薬経済・アウトカム研究学会  のMCDAに関する報告2/6
Time2019.3.2 8:24
Queryispor AND multiple criteria decision decision analysis AND humans[mh] AND (english[la] OR japanese[la])
1Thokala P 2016Thokala P, Devlin N, Marsh K, Baltussen R, Boysen M, Kalo Z, Longrenn T, Mussen F, Peacock S, Watkins J, Ijzerman M: Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for Health Care Decision Making--An Introduction: Report 1 of the ISPOR MCDA Emerging Good Practices Task Force. Value Health 2016;19:1-13. PMID: 26797229
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2Marsh K 2016Marsh K, IJzerman M, Thokala P, Baltussen R, Boysen M, Kaló Z, Lönngren T, Mussen F, Peacock S, Watkins J, Devlin N, ISPOR Task Force: Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for Health Care Decision Making--Emerging Good Practices: Report 2 of the ISPOR MCDA Emerging Good Practices Task Force. Value Health 2016;19:125-37. PMID: 27021745
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3Chit A 2016Chit A, Lee JK, Shim M, Nguyen VH, Grootendorst P, Wu J, Van Exan R, Langley JM: Economic evaluation of vaccines in Canada: A systematic review. Hum Vaccin Immunother 2016;12:1257-64. PMID: 26890128
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4Jansen JP 2011Jansen JP, Fleurence R, Devine B, Itzler R, Barrett A, Hawkins N, Lee K, Boersma C, Annemans L, Cappelleri JC: Interpreting indirect treatment comparisons and network meta-analysis for health-care decision making: report of the ISPOR Task Force on Indirect Treatment Comparisons Good Research Practices: part 1. Value Health 2011;14:417-28. PMID: 21669366
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5Jansen JP 2014Jansen JP, Trikalinos T, Cappelleri JC, Daw J, Andes S, Eldessouki R, Salanti G: Indirect treatment comparison/network meta-analysis study questionnaire to assess relevance and credibility to inform health care decision making: an ISPOR-AMCP-NPC Good Practice Task Force report. Value Health 2014;17:157-73. PMID: 24636374
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6Belsey JD 2015Belsey JD: Appropriate use of information in therapeutic decision-making: reflections on indirect comparisons. Curr Med Res Opin 2015;31:343-6. PMID: 25586170

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