Time2018.12.22 20:42
Query((((14698953[uid] OR 26456379 [uid] OR 26521865 [uid] OR 26800458 [uid] OR )))
(Froberg DG[au] AND Kane RL[au] AND Methodology[tiab] AND health-state preferences[tiab] AND humans[mh] AND (english[la] OR japanese[la])))
(((benefit OR benfits) AND (harm OR harms OR risk) AND decision making AND (model OR models) AND (analysis OR analyse OR analyze OR analyzing OR analysing) AND 2010:2019[dp] AND humans[mh] AND (english[la] OR japanese[la]))
(decision making AND (model OR models) AND (analysis OR analyse OR analyze OR analyzing OR analysing) AND systematic review[TW] AND 2010:2019[dp] AND humans[mh] AND (english[la] OR japanese[la])))
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